Sunday, December 6, 2009

Mac4Lin ver 1.0 – Convert Linux into MacOS

If you want to try or feel the Mac OS interface in your Linux box, you can use this Mac4Lin package. Current version of Mac4Lin is version 1.0. This is currently stable version of Mac4Lin. I’ve been using this version, and everything goes well on my Ubuntu Hardy Heron. A solid enhancement to any Linux-based desktop. Works fluidly with Ubuntu systems, and other debian-based systems. All 8 of my linux distro machines are running Mac4Lin, as of this date!

The goal of this project is to bring the Mac OS X user interface to POSIX Operating Systems (GNU/LInux, FreeBSD, openSolaris etc.). The project is built for desktop environments based on GTK. You can visit Mac4Lin project homepage to find more about Mac4Lin.


Download Mac4Lin ver 1.0

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