Saturday, December 12, 2009

ArgoUML 0.24 free download and review

ArgoUML 0.24 Review

This is a review about an already well-known application that has been enjoying huge success, since the earlier releases in 2006 and up to the current version. It's about an UML modeling tool called ArgoUML, the current version of which is 0.25.1, released on May 10, 2007. However, I will refer here to an earlier version, ArgoUML 0.24, mainly because there's no tutorial or documentation material referring to versions higher than 0.24.Hardly can one find anything these days that doesn't involve, to some extent, the use of a certain computer application. Industry, medical equipment, commerce, sports, entertainment, education, administration, transportation systems, and the list can go on, are all fields that rely more or less on automation. Automation has been successfully introduced with the use of computer programs that perform certain tasks otherwise, meaning directly handled, too time consuming. What has become a matter of fact is that, today, it is practically impossible to accomplish anything by starting from scratch. What I'm trying to say, and I think this is a statement that cannot possibly be debated, is that most of the world we know today would be completely paralyzed if it wasn't for one thing, one of the main factors that led to the technological boom we’re all witnessing right now - computer software. For a progr...

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